Reviewing Recent Projects

Date: 3/27/2024


Since I started my sabbatical about 3 months ago, I’ve been doing a lot of little projects. They’ve been fun and rewarding and interesting, so I wanted to share them here.12

  1. General updates on this website (view transitions, dark mode, etc.)
  2. The fermentation section of this site
  3. Telegram Captain: stealth
  4. Nite Bot: stealth
  5. Slurp: stealth
  6. Pelosi Bot: A half-baked, exploratory trading bot based on STOCK Act disclosures.
  7. An artisan wedding registry (write-up coming soon)
  8. A personal API: api.alexledger.net34
  9. Check-in app: A small home-baked app for checking in daily.
  10. A CSS Zen Garden
  12.’s news tool
  13. With much assistance, I co-built a futon frame; learned to use a miter saw
  14. Alex at Peoples Food Coop blog:
  15. Added a door to our catio
  16. Fermented apple cider vinegar for the first time
  17. Fermented kraut, kombucha, and tempeh, which I’ve done before.

More projects can be found on my projects page.

Things I’ve tried/learned

  2. Supabase
  3. Render
  4. A miter saw
  5. Astro’s Starlight
  6. Astro’s view transitions
  7. A lot of CSS (e.g., container queries)
  8. JS Datatables
  9. List JS
  10. Raycast
  11. RunJS
  12. Rye for python environment management
  13. OpenAI’s Completions API
  14. Web Components (my post)
  15. CSS Battles
  16. Arc Browser

More things I’m thinking about

  1. Porting to Astro from Hugo
  2. A tags API: I assume this exists somewhere but I can’t find it. I’d like a basic API like POST /tags that given some data returns a list of reasonable tags. The input would be flexible, but it’d try to find title, description, body, etc to inform the tag. Probably would leverage LLMs. I’d use this for classifying articles, my own posts, things I found around the internet.


  1. We had a cat-therapist-team help us with our cats, and one cool thing they told us about was building cats’ confidences from play. A primary goal of playing with cats is that when they catch the toy, and when they get up higher vertically in the room, they get more confidence which helps them be happier and interact with other cats and humans better. I’ve been thinking about that for myself and those around me. I definitely use little projects as play and a way to boost my confidence because it’s fun to do things and finish them and share them with others.

  2. This list doesn’t include projects that had minor maintenance and updates.

  3. The API is currently being hosted at a secret URL while it’s in development.

  4. I’m excited about using this to quickly deploy little API endpoints for projects.