I’m exploring different ways to to build & host these notes. I manage the content in obsidian vault, so it’s a set of markdown files, which should make it pretty easy.
These are some things that I want to experiment with for building. One thing I’m not sure about is what extent I want a FOSS project or SAAS or something that will host.
I’m trying to figure out to what extent I want something FOSS and/or SAAS.
I started with mkdocs and hosting on netlify. It took less than 10 minutes to get this up and running. And then jsut another few minutes to find a theme that I loved: the material theme. For the same reasons that I love Obsidian and Gitbook, I love the material theme. It’s simple, easy to navigate, and I can see the table of contents of a page.
Here’s the netlify link: https://jolly-hotteok-51853f.netlify.app/.
Code sample for getting started.
# Install with brew so you can make the initial directory
brew install mkdocs
cd ~/git
mkdocs new alexs_corner_mkdocs
cd alexs_corner_mkdocs
# Once inside the directory, set up a python virtual environment.
# This seems to make it easier to add themes and other plugins
poetry init
poetry add mkdocs
poetry add mkdocs-material
# Copy the files from the Obsidian vault
cp ~/git/alexs_corner/*md docs/
# Edit mkdocs.yaml with the following:
# site_name: Alex's Corner
# site_url: https://jolly-hotteok-51853f.netlify.app/
# theme: material
# Run locally
poetry run mkdocs serve
# Build into a directory called /site
poetry run mkdocs build
# Copy site/ into netlify and :boom:
Themes: https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/wiki/MkDocs-Themes.
I’m not sure if mkdocs is working going to work well as a blog. I don’t want the posts sorted alphanumerically. I tried adding the dates to blog titles as a workaround but it’s pretty ugly. I found https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/blog/ as an approach.